Saturday, February 28, 2009

Does This Seem Odd to You?

The other day I was driving through downtown San Bernardino trying to find a Stater Brother’s grocery store where I could get a cashier’s check so that I could reactivate my substitute teaching account. My certification is up so I need to pay a recertification fee so that I can continue subbing.

As I was driving through the neighborhoods of San Bernardino I was having quite some difficulty tracking down a Stater Brother’s grocery store or any other grocery store for that matter. I drove up and down about twenty streets when finally I decided this was a lost cause and headed back to my own home in Colton, where I know where the Stater Brother’s grocery store is located. All this said, it was extremely hard to locate what I deem as a very common and necessary community commodity. What I did notice a lot of, however, as I was driving up and down endless streets was that there were an overabundance of liquor stores on every street corner.

And when I say there was a liquor store on every street corner I’m not exaggerating. I saw at least fifteen liquor stores as I drove around like a lost tourist in a foreign country.

Now I don’t know about you, but this struck me as sort of odd.

I think it is pretty sad that you can drive down almost any street in this country and find a liquor store that is open from the first sliver of sunlight until after 2:00am, however, you can not find a grocery store if your life depended on it.

As I was driving through downtown San Bernardino it was about 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, and High Schools were all getting out at this time. I saw kids walking up and down the streets, wandering around aimlessly. Some were just standing on street corners doing nothing while a majority of the kids were going into the liquor stores to buy after schools snacks.

Theses kids don’t know anything different. They are used to seeing a liquor store on every street. Used to seeing drunks passed out in front of the stores. Used to seeing prostitutes. Used to seeing drug deals happening right in front of them as they wander in and out of these stores.

To them, these are everyday occurrences.

I think that it is really sad that this is what our country has come too. That instead of after school programs or churches or community centers, which by the way I didn’t see any of, we know have liquor stores instead that take up space along our streets.

Maybe one of the reasons, and let me restate that again, one of the reasons why we have so much crime is because we do not have any community involvement anymore. Instead of having a safe place to go after school, like an after school program, a church, or a community center, we instead have liquor stores and kids who just wander around with nothing better to do, gradually becoming desensitized to the events they witness every day.

Here is a poem for thought...

Then and Now

There once were preachers on every street corner.
Handing out pamphlets and proclaiming Jesus as Lord.
Now we have drug dealers and prostitutes
Selling addiction in a bag and their bodies to all who can afford.

There once were churches at the center of every city
Where people would gather together as a family to meet.
Now we have bars and liquor stores
Selling addiction in a bottle and putting drunks on the street.

There once were communities who would gather together
As one big family showing concern for one another.
Now the only time you see a community as one
Is when they are drinking their lives away with each other.

--By Benjamin Bishop

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Trying to Survive

No matter where I am at it seems like everyone is on edge about the current state of our economy. There is this tension that is covering everything like an invisible fog that is almost suffocating. People wonder if President Obama’s $787 billion stimulus package which is designed to help America’s failing economy will actually work. People are scared that they too may soon become one of the 3.6 million job loss casualties that have occurred in the last 13 months. People are losing their jobs and they are losing their homes.

But even in the midst of this economic crisis, people are still surviving.

For most people, however, they may have only felt a little pinch in their wallets. Maybe they have had to get rid of a car or two, downgrade from the 50” Plasma screen TV, or maybe they have had to stop eating out every night.

Yes they too have had to make “sacrifices” to “survive” in this economic crisis.

As bad as things are right now in our country right now there are people who have been “surviving” for a long time. And that is exactly what they are doing. Surviving. There are people in our country who are being overlooked every single day. They sleep on park benches using newspaper to stay warm in the winter. They stand on the freeway ramp exits with signs asking for just a little spare change. They dig through trashcans and dumpsters eating our leftovers.

They are the forgotten.

The untouchables.

Most people won’t even look at them, afraid that if they make eye contact with them they may have to make up an excuse as to why they can’t spare a little change.

The estimated population in the United States of America is about 304 million.
The estimated homeless population in a given year is about 3.4 million.
That accounts for about 1% of the United States population being homeless.

Of those homeless
40% are families with children.
55% have no health insurance.
23% are veterans.
25% have been physically or sexually abused.
38% have less than a High School diploma.
50% receive less than $300 a month as income.

These statistics are sad and frightening. It makes me wonder why our country has allowed this to happen. Why these people are overlooked every single day. Why is it that we, as a Nation, cannot help to provide for these people?

This got me thinking. There are an estimated 304 million people in the United States. About 3.4 million are homeless. So let’s say there are 300 million people in the U.S. who are not homeless. If each person donated just $19 a month which is $228 a year then this would provide each homeless person with over $20,000 a year. This money could be used for food, rent, clothing, health insurance, and education.

What I propose is this. There should be a Homeless Tax. Each working person would be taxed $19 a month. To help compensate for children or non working spouses, each working person would be taxed $19 a month per person within the household. By doing this we would be able to help these people get back on their feet, get an education, provide for themselves, and become a productive part of society.

Some may think this seems like a handout or question why should they have to support these people. My question is why not? I feel that this is a travesty that has been allowed to happen for far too long. It is time we stood up as a Nation and helped our fellow man. Jesus cared for the poor and called every Christian to care for the poor as well. If Jesus thought that this was an important issue then we should probably listen.

$19 a month per person.

I say Yes We Can.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Work Ethic? What's That?

In our great country of America it used to be that the harder a person worked the more rewards that person received. Whether those rewards were a pay raise at your job, more vacation time, or a promotion, there was some sort of benefit to being a good hard worker. There also used to be a sense of pride in the work people did as well. People took pride in being called “good workers.” Took pride at accomplishing “something.”

Sadly to say, that is no longer the case.

I remember when work ethic was something employers looked for. And I remember when people had it too. It seems to me, however, that this is something that has gone out the window like some sort of passing fad.

Work Ethic!

Of course not!

That’s like having an out of style haircut.

It seems nowadays, and mind you I am only 27 years old, that no one has any work ethic anymore. Another word for it is LAZINESS. Employees are allowed to show up to work late, allowed to call off last minute, or allowed to not even bother showing up to work at all. Or if they do come, they act as if it is some sort of inconvenience to their all important life to be at work doing, God forbid, actual work. The whole time that they are at work, all they do is whine and complain that they are at work, the whole time not doing any actual work. And they are allowed to do this all without any consequence.

If an employee with no work ethic is discovered it is as if the standard has been set from there out and management no longer expects any great output from them. They never showed any great potential when they were hired so why should it be expected of them at this point. Yes I know that in some cases management does occasionally fire lazy employees, however, in most cases, it is as if they don’t want to even bother. It’s as if by doing so they are admitting their mistake at hiring this lazy worker.

I don’t know what it is. Why this sudden lack of work ethics or laziness has taken over the population and is spreading like some incurable disease. Whatever the reason, it’s spreading fast.

Ironically, it is actually the good workers who get punished because management expects more out of them. If an employee shows even a glimmer of work ethic management latches onto that like a starving leech. Your boss might start saying things like,

You are someone I can count on.


You never let me down.

But when you do, it’s as if the world has suddenly stopped spinning on its axis. If a good worker slacks off even just a little bit, management is there in a heartbeat to let him know.

However, when an employee with no work ethic slacks off it is looked at as though it is nothing new. As if it is expected. Thus, the employee with high work ethic is forced to carry the load of the employee with no work ethic.

It may look like a strange backwards world that we live in from the outside, but I assure it’s real.

So heed this warning.

Sooner or later your place of employment may become infected by the unethical worker too. If this does happen you have two choices.

1. You can pray that your boss hasn’t noticed that you are a good worker.


2. You can pray that you get that job that you put an application in for last week.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

We Are Not in Heaven Yet!

I recently came across a post that someone wrote about Barack Obama becoming President and their view that nothing will ever be perfect unless Jesus Christ was President.

This got me thinking.

First and foremost, I am a Christian. I read my Bible, I pray, I am involved in Christian community, and I volunteer at church. I am not making these statements to sound prideful or arrogant; however, instead I am making these statements to show that I love Jesus Christ and am committed to serving Him and living my life for Him.

Now this being said I think a lot of people have the wrong view on this life, Christians in particular. I think that a lot of Christians have this view that we are all eventually going to die and go to Heaven and then everything will be perfect, which it will, however, that this means that there is no significance or reason to have Hope or Faith for something better now.

Everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike, has a responsibility to strive for something better in this life. To help others. To want change for the better. To be humanitarians. Caring for someone else other than just you. This is what Jesus did.

Just because Barack Obama has become President, which by the way I think is GREAT, I voted for him, does not mean that every problem is going to get solved or that we will all of a sudden reach this Utopian perfection. Yes that will all happen in Heaven. However, just because he is trying to make a difference, trying to help this country, trying to make a change, does not mean he is trying to replace Jesus. What he is trying to do is be a good steward of what God has gifted him with and that is leadership of this Nation.

So for all the Christians out there in the world who think and say, “Well he is not going to make everything perfect. Nothing will be perfect until I get to Heaven or unless Jesus Christ was President,” you are right.


All of us still have an obligation to make a difference in this world. To play our part in this life that God has given us.
That is what President Obama is doing. He is playing his part.
So stop complaining that there are still going to be problems.
Stop complaining that President Barack Obama is not going to make everything better and that only Jesus can do that.
Instead, realize that this is something that is very much needed for this country and that President Obama is helping to do his part right now.
Get out of your bubbles and come to the realization that just because we are saved by grace does not mean that this life loses its importance.
We are all called to be good stewards in this life, regardless of whether or not you believe in an afterlife.